Information Technology

Pride Pass Using Android

Pride Pass Using Android

Lindenwood Pride Pass Using Android. 澳门威尼斯人平台官网大学使用Transact校园系统来支持身份证, mobile credentials, door access control, and point-of-sale services.

Android Shield photo

Lindenwood Pride Pass Using Android

What You Need

Get Your Lindenwood Mobile Pride Pass

  1. Enable NFC to on through settings.
  2. Open Google Pay and ensure it is the default payment method.
  3. Download and open the Transact eAccounts app.
  4. Search and select Lindenwood University.
  5. Login using your Lindenwood username and password.
  6. Click "Add to Google Pay”.

See detailed set up and use information below.


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Set-Up for Android

Android Mobile Credential FAQ

Below you will find answers to the most frequently asked questions. 如果你在下面找不到答案,请联系IT帮助台 or (636) 255-5100